Zoning Code Portal Other Planning Documents

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A few documents and weblinks pertinent to planning procedures and permits in the Village of Caledonia can be found here:  

2035 Comprehensive Land Use Map

Caledonia Design Guide

The general purpose of these design standards is to aid the Planning Staff and Plan Commission in planning, design, and redesign of the built environment of the Village of Caledonia so as to enhance its visual character, maintain and increase property values, and avoid monotony.  These standards will also assist in fostering sound, functional, attractive and quality development.  The provisions herein shall be liberally construed in favor of the Village and shall be considered as minimum standards.

Crawford Park Master Plan

The Crawford Park Master Plan provides the Village with a vision as how to develop the remaining park open space surrounding the existing park and help determine what park amenities residents' prefer.

Development Fee Sheet

This document outlines the fee schedule for Plan Commission Service Fees and Zoning Review Service Fees.

Park and Open Space Plan for the Village of Caledonia: 2035

This park and open space plan for the Village of Caledonia is intended to assist in promoting environmental stewardship and to assess current and future park, recreation, and open space needs within the Village. The plan is further intended to guide the preservation, acquisition, and development of land for park, outdoor recreation, and open space purposes.